📅 Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 3:00 pm
TRACT 1: $350,000
TRACT 2: $301,000
320 acres More or Less Ness Co. Real Estate
For: Klitzke Family Trust
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
AUCTION LOCATIONNess County Bank Building, 102 W. Main, Ness City, KS 67560
From the Junction of KS Hwy 96 & 283 in Ness City, 7 miles South to 60 Road then 9 miles West to J Rd then 4 miles South to the Northeast corner of Tract 1 OR 8 ½ miles West to J Rd then 11 miles South to the Northeast corner of Tract 1
The Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Twenty-Seven (27), Township Twenty (20) South, Range Twenty-Five (25) West of the 6th P.M. Ness County, KS
157.22 Acres Cultivation
Summer Fallow 102.20 Acres
The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section Twenty-One (21), Township Twenty (20) South, Range Twenty-Five (25) West of the 6th P.M. Ness County, KS
157.0 Acres Cultivation
3.08 Acres Waterway
Summer Fallow 47.22 Acres
Tract 1 is an excellent tract of productive cultivation. Approximately 80% is Class Harney Silt Loam with 0-3% slopes. This tract has had an excellent tenant for several years. The access is good with J Road on the East and 20 Road on the North boundary.
Tract II is also an excellent tract of productive cultivation with 81% being Class II soils. This tract has the same tenant as Tract 1. The access is from the east down 30 Road, which is a maintained dirt road.
Year 2023 taxes and all prior taxes to be paid by the Seller. Year 2024 and all future taxes to be paid by the Purchaser. The 2023 Real Estate taxes were: Tract 1: $962.20 Tract 2: $998.24.
All Seller’s Interest will convey with the property. To the seller’s knowledge, all minerals are intact.
Purchaser to stay in compliance with all US Government Programs the property is presently enrolled in. Government payments to follow current F.S.A. guidelines. These tracts are enrolled in the PLC program.
Possession on both tracts on the planted wheat acres will be after the 2024 wheat harvest or August 1, whichever is first. Possession on the idle acres will be at closing. To receive possession on the idle acres prior to closing both Sellers and Purchasers will need to sign the purchase contracts and Purchaser pay the 10% down along with the Purchaser reimbursing the Seller for the recent chemical and application burndown, which will be announced, as well as provide a letter of credit from their lender, if any.
TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance to be paid upon title approval and delivery of deed, said closing to be on or before July 30, 2024, or as soon as title requirement, if any can be corrected. Every effort will be made to honor said original closing date set forth in this contract. Sale is not contingent on the purchaser obtaining financing. Financing, if necessary, needs to be approved prior to the auction. The seller agrees to convey said property by a good and sufficient Trustees Deed to the purchaser, subject to easements restrictions, roads, rights-of-way, leases, reservations, and county zoning regulations of record. Said deed shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of settlement. Seller(s) to furnish and pay for title insurance showing merchantable title in the Seller. Title Insurance is being prepared by Ness County Abstract & Title. This tract is being sold by U.S. Government Survey. If the purchaser feels that an additional survey is needed, the cost shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser.
Listing Agent: Roger Legleiter (785) 623-8717
Agency Disclosure: Farmland Auction & Realty Co., Inc is the agent of the seller. If purchaser desires representation, legal council is advised.
Farmland Auction & Realty Co., Inc.
Jason Pfeifer, Broker & Auctioneer
Roger Legleiter, Licensed R/E Sales & Auctioneer
Kalli Pfeifer, Licensed R/E Sales
1390 E. 8th, Unit A Hays, KS 67601
Toll Free: 1-888-671-2851
E-mail: farmland@farmlandauction.com
Contact Information
Phone: 785-628-2851 | Fax Number: 785-628-6083 | Email: farmland@farmlandauction.com
Address: 1390 East 8th Street, Unit A, Hays, KS 67601
Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: By appointment only