📅 Friday, May 31, 2024, 10:00 am
Auction Company are agents of the sellers and are not responsible for accidents or theft. No guarantees or warranties will be expressed or implied. Tractors, Trucks, Trailers & Farm Equipment to sell at noon. We will start with the tools & smaller trailer items. This is only a PARTIAL LISTING of what could be viewed at the time of listing. Terms of sale are Cash, “Good” checks, Debit/Credit Cards. Concessions Stand will be available. Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. More photos will be available on our website. www.pfeiferbrothersauction.com OR www.farmlandauction.com
2007 Chevrolet 3500HD, 248k miles, AT, 4x4, 6.0L V8, Flatbed 11’
1986 Chevrolet 1T K30, 4x4, 10’ Flatbed, 5th wheel, 4sp, V8 350
1977 Chevrolet C65 Knapheide 18’ steel box,11-22.5 Tires, Rollover Tarp, V8 366, 5x2sp, 92k miles
1971 Chevrolet C65, 16’ Steel Box, 8.25-20, Tarp Bowes, V8 350, 4x2sp, 90k miles
1975 Ford F700, 16’ Steel box, 9.00-20, V8 390, 5x2sp, 96k miles
1980 Chevrolet K20, Flatbed, 4spd Manual, 4x4, 350 V8
Red Rhino 7-bale, self-dump 16” tires
1994 Diamond D 20’x6’6”, Center Gate, Title
Cattle Trailer 16’x6’, Divider, NO Title
Donahue Model 700 Combine Trailer
Homemade pickup frame Tilt Trailer
Homemade flatbed trailer, Steel Deck, 17’ x 8’
Homemade flatbed hay trailer, wood floor 34’ x 8’6”
Donahue Swather Trailer
Case Combines, (2) New Holland Balers, Hesston 1014 Swather, IH 14’ Chisel, Sunflower 3x6 Undercutter, Miller 14’ Drag Disc, Kraus Oneway, JD Oneway, Miller 12’ Rodweeder, Rotary Hoe, Crustbuster 24’ Drill, Crustbuster Cultivator, Case 4bottom plow, IH 6Row Air Planter
MF 1155 Tactor, Perkins Diesel, Duals, 3pt, 2 Hydraulics, PTO, 18.4-38, 2,793hrs
1967 IH 1206 Turbo, 8,532hrs, 4sp Hi-Lo, 8’ Dozer Blade, A/C
IH 650 Tractor, Diesel, PTO, NO 3pt
1952 Case D, 5’ Bucket, Dozer Blade, Live PTO, Hydraulics, Davis Loader, Hand Clutch, Gas
Case 400 Tractor, Does Not Run
MF 1100 Tactor, Does Not Run
NH 1116 Swather, 1116H Header Diesel, A/C, Air Ride Seat, 3,801hrs
JD 7700 Combine, JD 220 Header, Hydro, 5,627 hrs, 23.1-26 Tires
New Holland 688 Round Baler
New Holland 276 Sq Baler
Flex King XL 3x5 & 2x6, FlexKing Pickers, Anhydrous
Kewanee 20’ Disc 20”Fr 19”Rr
Noble 5x5 Undercutter, Pickers
Sunflower 16’ Disc, 19”Fr 18”Rr
MF PTO Driven 3pt Rake
Crustbuster 15’ Batwing Mower
Great Plains Hoe Drill, 30’, 10”
Implement Carrier, Single Row Lister
IH 16x10 Drill
Grain Single Axle Grain Buggy
Blair Feed Wagon, 3pt 20’ sprayer
IH Manure Spreader
Westfield Hydraulic Drill Fill Auger
Wegele 30” 3-wheel mower
12V Diesel Tank on single axle
Pickup Box Fuel Trailer, Handpump, Air tank on tongue,
3pt Bale Spear, 3pt Forklift
Post hole digger 9”
Pickup Bale Spear, Electric
Econo Zero Graze Feed Wagon, Good condition
Portable Cattle Alley
Old Cattle working chute
Free standing panels 14’(4), 12’(2), 16’(1)
Cattle Light weight Priefert & HW Brand Panels 10’ & 12’, approx. 15 panels
Cattle square tubing Panels, 12’ approx. 10
Misc. Panels, Combination Panels, Sucker Rod Panels, and gates
T-posts and barb wire
(2) Pipe Frame Feed Wagons
Round bale feeders & Mineral Feeders
Truck/Trailer Bale Racks
Gas Powered Pump Jack, 212cc Predator Motor
Poly Stock Tanks 8’ & 7’
1500 Gallon Water Tank
250 Gallon Water Tank
100 Gallon Fiberglass Tank
Metal Welding Table 5’x30”,
Walk behind Sickle mower
Boomers & Chains
12V Post Hole Digger
Engine System Analyzer, Bench Grinder on Stand, Precision Honing Machine, Sioux Valve Grindre, Hydraulic Press, Omaha Tools Drill Press, Bench Vices, Parts Washer,
Gray Air Jack, 2T Floor Jack, Engine Stand, A-frame 1T Chain Hoist, Engine Hoist, Transmission Jack, Air Compressor (3phase),
Waterloo Tool chest, Crafstman Tool Chest, Bolt Bins, Big A Parts Cabinet, Borg Warner Parts Cabinet,
Welding Rods, Buffing Wheels & Sandpaper, Jack Stands, Pressure Testers, Compression testers, Tie Rod Tools, Air Tools, Funnels, Sockets, Wrenches, Air Impacts, Exhaust Spreaders, Ring Compressors, Pipe Wrenches, Creepers, Snap ring pliers, Hex Key Set, Torque Wrenches, Fuel Line Tools, T-handle Hex, Drill bits, My DHanD Pullers,
Lots of Automotive Parts & Manuals, O-Rings, Carburetors, Fuses
Farmland Auction & Realty Co., Inc.
Pfeifer Brothers Auctioneers
Roger Legleiter, Licensed R/E Sales & Autioneer
Jason Pfeifer, Broker & Autioneer
Brandon Pfeifer, Auctioneer
Kalli Pfeifer, Licensed R/E Sales
1390 E. 8th Street, Unit A Hays, KS 67601
Contact Information
Phone: 785-628-2851 | Fax Number: 785-628-6083 | Email: farmland@farmlandauction.com
Address: 1390 East 8th Street, Unit A, Hays, KS 67601
Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: By appointment only